It was time well wasted and there's no way I trade a few more things that I could've crossed off my list for a day I'll never forget. No, I didn't get a thing done but I sure soaked up every minute of the memory we were makin'. And I count it all as time well wasted


Bert's Bar

Despite the Sens' brutal loss to the Leafs, we had a great time on Saturday.  Lots of people came out including the Finnish girls, and Californians who didn't know much at all about hockey.  Melnyk was not there but some of us did go over and meet BERT! haha!  He was watching the game with his wife.  He was not too happy with the Sens! But neither were we,   so we left a few minutes early and got Chilly Moos ice cream. 

Lucy, Claire, Me, Bert
Kathleen, Tori

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