It was time well wasted and there's no way I trade a few more things that I could've crossed off my list for a day I'll never forget. No, I didn't get a thing done but I sure soaked up every minute of the memory we were makin'. And I count it all as time well wasted


Leuven Beginnings!


Jeremy picked me up at the airport and led me by train and foot to the apartment.  We walked through Leuven and I got my first peak at the beautiful city.  Above is Jeremy (wheeling my suitcase.. yay!) and the other photo is of City Hall.  Later that day I tried to fight my jetlag; Jeremy, Scott and I ventured around Leuven and the surrounding areas on a 5 hour walk.

Jeremy & Scott's living room with great views.  We can see St. Gertrudes church, which is praticularly beautiful lit up at night.

The famous "Totem" statue.             I also found Curtis! Will see him more later this week!

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