It was time well wasted and there's no way I trade a few more things that I could've crossed off my list for a day I'll never forget. No, I didn't get a thing done but I sure soaked up every minute of the memory we were makin'. And I count it all as time well wasted


Summer Paradise Video

The Simple Plan video my friends and I were a part of has been released.

Sadly, they didn't use much of the scene we were in but it is still really cool to see the different scenes around Barbados.

And I do make the slightest appearance in the background!!

At 3:23 in is my .10 seconds of fame!! ......Shared with Pierre from Simple Plan. hahaha

I saved the screen cause you may miss it when watching.  But this is me talking to famous cricket player Omar Phillips.

Even though we didn't really make it in the video we still got to meet them all and had a lot of fun.  And I have always wanted to be an extra!

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